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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

31 different matching expressions found:

vándor errant (Correction)
itinerant (Correction)
migrant (Correction)
wayfarer (Correction)
vándor- ambulatory (Correction)
vándor ambulatory (Correction)
errant (Correction)
itinerant (Correction)
migrant (Correction)
rambler (Correction)
wayfarer (Correction)
vándor boulder (Correction)
vándorol to drift (Correction)
to migrate (Correction)
to trek (Correction)
to wander (Correction)
vándordíj challenge-cup (Correction)
vándorlás migration (Correction)
peregrination (Correction)
vándorlási migratory (Correction)
vándorúton on the bum (Correction)
vándorregös jockey (Correction)
vándormadár migrant (Correction)
vándormunkás hobo (Correction)
vándorkobzos jockey (Correction)
vándorlantos jockey (Correction)
vándorénekes minstrel (Correction)
nem vándor sedentary (Correction)
világ vándora maverick (Correction)
vándorcirkusz travelling circus (Correction)
vándorló utcai árus hawker (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

8 different matching expressions found:

vándorlás walkabout (Correction)
vándorvese floating kidney (Correction)
vándormadár bird of passage (Correction)
vándordalos minstrel (Correction)
vándormunkás swagman (Correction)
vándorszínész strolling player (Correction)
vándorló, költözö migratory (Correction)
vándor sólyom, galambász héja goshawk (Correction)

Correction mode off