[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

Ugrás a tartalomhoz

86 different matching expressions found:

íj bow (Correction)
díj award (Correction)
charge (Correction)
dues (Correction)
premium (Correction)
prize (Correction)
remuneration (Correction)
stake (Correction)
trophy (Correction)
szíj belt (Correction)
chafing-mat (Correction)
strap (Correction)
thong (Correction)
íjász archer (Correction)
ijedt scared (Correction)
scary (Correction)
startled (Correction)
kijön to come out (Correction)
kijut to get out (Correction)
díjaz to remunerate (Correction)
híján wanting (Correction)
íjazás archery (Correction)
vérdíj blood-money (Correction)
tagdíj dues (Correction)
ijedős jittery (Correction)
milquetoastish (Correction)
scary (Correction)
shy (Correction)
skittish (Correction)
weak-kneed (Correction)
kijáró rightful (Correction)
jogdíj royalty (Correction)
tandíj school fee (Correction)
school fees (Correction)
tuition (Correction)
szíjak strapping (Correction)
pótdíj surcharge (Correction)
ijeszt to alarm (Correction)
vijjog to scream (Correction)
to squawk (Correction)
ékszíj v-shaped belt (Correction)
ijesztő appalling (Correction)
daunting (Correction)
fearsome (Correction)
formidable (Correction)
frightful (Correction)
grim (Correction)
gruesome (Correction)
redoubtable (Correction)
scary (Correction)
startling (Correction)
íjászat archery (Correction)
gépszíj belt (Correction)
nagydíj blue ribbon (Correction)
kijelző display (Correction)
kijárat egress (Correction)
exit (Correction)
issue (Correction)
outlet (Correction)
ijedség fright (Correction)
imaszíj frontlet (Correction)
kijutás getting out (Correction)
díjazás hire (Correction)
remuneration (Correction)
hadijog martial law (Correction)
nyugdíj pension (Correction)
ijedező scary (Correction)
beijedt scary (Correction)
lábszíj stirrup (Correction)
kijelöl to appoint (Correction)
to assign (Correction)
to designate (Correction)
to fix on (Correction)
to fix up (Correction)
to lay out (Correction)
to mark off (Correction)
to mark out (Correction)
to peg out (Correction)
kijavít to correct (Correction)
to fix (Correction)
to fix up (Correction)
to mend (Correction)
to patch (Correction)
to patch up (Correction)
to piece up (Correction)
megijed to get frightened (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

14 different matching expressions found:

díj fee (Correction)
díjak awards (Correction)
íjász bowman (Correction)
íjhúr bowstring (Correction)
kijön come out (Correction)
ijedt frightened (Correction)
kijut get out (Correction)
híján lack for (Correction)
vérdíj bloodwit (Correction)
ijedős easily frightened (Correction)
pótdíj excess charge (Correction)
ékszíj fan belt (Correction)
v-belt (Correction)
tandíj fee / school -s (Correction)

Correction mode off