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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

28 different matching expressions found:

írta written by (Correction)
irtás cutting (Correction)
firtat to be inquisitive about sg (Correction)
to pry into sg (Correction)
to pump (Correction)
kiirtás eradication (Correction)
extermination (Correction)
extinction (Correction)
extirpation (Correction)
liquidation (Correction)
obliteration (Correction)
squelch (Correction)
fajirtás genocide (Correction)
népirtás holocaust (Correction)
pacsirta lark (Correction)
skylark (Correction)
zsírtalan spare (Correction)
pacsirtadal carol (Correction)
papírtapéta paperhangings (Correction)
zsírtalanít to degrease (Correction)
zsírtalanító degreaser (Correction)
zsírtalanítás degreasing (Correction)
nem bírtam vele he was one too many for me (Correction)
pacsirtacsattogás carol (Correction)
pacsirtatrillázás carol (Correction)
csattog (pacsirta) to carol (Correction)
ezt most ne firtassuk let us leave it at that (Correction)
we will not dwell on that (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

8 different matching expressions found:

írta by by (Correction)
papírtasak paper-bag (Correction)
zsírtalanított defatted (Correction)
a forgatókönyvet írta: screen-play by (Correction)
vegyszeres gyomirtás (növ) chemical weed control (növ) (Correction)
tisztás, irtás; megtisztulás clearing (Correction)
én írtam ezt a levelet neked i'm writing this letter to you (Correction)
"rendkívüli módon jól bírta " she came through remarkably well (Correction)

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