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50 different matching expressions found:

üllő anvil (Correction)
hulló cadent (Correction)
falling (Correction)
hüllő ectotherm (Correction)
reptile (Correction)
reptilian (Correction)
küllő spoke (Correction)
üllőorr anvil-beak (Correction)
üllőágy anvil-bed (Correction)
anvil-block (Correction)
lehulló caducous (Correction)
züllött debauched (Correction)
lecherous (Correction)
lewd (Correction)
libertine (Correction)
raffish (Correction)
üllőcsőr anvil-beak (Correction)
üllőtőke anvil-bed (Correction)
anvil-block (Correction)
bed (Correction)
üllőtönk anvil-bed (Correction)
anvil-block (Correction)
bed (Correction)
elkullog to bundle off (Correction)
to bundle out (Correction)
to stumble away (Correction)
üllőbetét anvil-cutter (Correction)
üllőszarv horn (Correction)
üllőalátét anvil-bed (Correction)
anvil-block (Correction)
züllöttség filth (Correction)
lewdness (Correction)
züllött alak debauchee (Correction)
low fellow (Correction)
hullócsillag falling star (Correction)
hullórostély portcullis (Correction)
züllötten él to go the pace (Correction)
züllött ember loose fish (Correction)
hulló csillag shooting star (Correction)
túllő a célon to draw the long bow (Correction)
züllött fráter libertine (Correction)
szegecselő üllő dolly (Correction)
küllős kerékagy spider (Correction)
leghátul kullog to bring up the rear (Correction)
hullott gyümölcs windfall (Correction)
züllött életet él to lead a loose life (Correction)
küllős szorítógyűrű spider (Correction)
züllött életmódot folytat to lead a loose life (Correction)
to live evilly (Correction)
haja szabadon hullott a vállára her hair fell loose over her shoulder (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

12 different matching expressions found:

züllött depraved (Correction)
hullott fallen (Correction)
felüllop overtrump (Correction)
hullócsillag shooting star (Correction)
túllő a célon overshoot the mark (Correction)
young bullock (Correction)
frissen hullott new-fallen (Correction)
lehullott falevelek fallen leaves (Correction)
hitvány/züllött alak low fellow (Correction)
hullottak mint a legyek they died like flies (Correction)
a hályog lehullott a szeméről the scales fell from his eyes (Correction)
leesett, lehullott; lásd: 'fall' fallen (Correction)

Correction mode off