[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

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88 different matching expressions found:

be inboard (Correction)
on (Correction)
bél bowel (Correction)
gut (Correction)
intestine (Correction)
kernel (Correction)
pith (Correction)
skin (Correction)
tharm (Correction)
bér hire (Correction)
pay (Correction)
payment (Correction)
rental (Correction)
wage (Correction)
-be in (Correction)
into (Correction)
bee! baa! (Correction)
bézs beige (Correction)
betű character (Correction)
begy craw (Correction)
crop (Correction)
maw (Correction)
béna cripple (Correction)
crippled (Correction)
game (Correction)
gammy (Correction)
halting (Correction)
lame (Correction)
maimed (Correction)
bel- endo- (Correction)
home (Correction)
internal (Correction)
béka frog (Correction)
-ben in (Correction)
inboard (Correction)
benn in (Correction)
inwardly (Correction)
within (Correction)
bent in (Correction)
within (Correction)
within doors (Correction)
bél- intestinal (Correction)
bele into (Correction)
béke peace (Correction)
peacetime (Correction)
quiet (Correction)
quietude (Correction)
beír to add sg in (Correction)
to book (Correction)
to enrol (Correction)
to enroll (Correction)
to enter (Correction)
beüt to bash (Correction)
to bash in (Correction)
to stave (Correction)
to stave in (Correction)
to stave, stove (Correction)
bead to exhibit (Correction)
to give in (Correction)
to hand in (Correction)
to pass in (Correction)
to present (Correction)
to put in (Correction)
to turn in (Correction)
befú to overblow, -blew,- blown (Correction)
benő to overrun, overran, overrun (Correction)
belő to zero in (Correction)
beteg ailing (Correction)
bad (Correction)
dicky (Correction)
diseased (Correction)
ill (Correction)
belga belgian (Correction)
belek bowels (Correction)
entrails (Correction)
guts (Correction)
békés civil (Correction)
beton concrete (Correction)
betét deposit (Correction)
belső endo- (Correction)
inboard (Correction)
inland (Correction)
berek grounds (Correction)
grove (Correction)
belül in (Correction)
inboard (Correction)
ki-be in and out (Correction)
beeső incident (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

12 different matching expressions found:

bébi baby (Correction)
beta beta (Correction)
beír enrol (Correction)
enroll (Correction)
mark down (Correction)
bead give in (Correction)
bent indoor (Correction)
béna lamer (Correction)
paralytic (Correction)
benő overgrow (Correction)
beüt stave in (Correction)
Bécs Vienna (Correction)

Correction mode off