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8 different matching expressions found:

aha yep (Correction)
yup (Correction)
aha! i see! (Correction)
valaha ever (Correction)
it's many a day (Correction)
sometime (Correction)
itt valaha egy ház állt there used to be a house here (Correction)
valaha jobb napokat látott he has came down in the world (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

6 different matching expressions found:

valaha is again / ever - (Correction)
igen régen/valaha it's many a day (Correction)
valaha (kérdésben) ever (Correction)
soha többet, valaha is ever again (Correction)
valaha jobb napokat látott he has come in the world (Correction)
lecsúszott/valaha jobb napokat látott he has come down (Correction)

Correction mode off