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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

13 different matching expressions found:

autós motorist (Correction)
autoszifon siphon (Correction)
siphon-bottle (Correction)
autószerelő car mechanic (Correction)
motor mechanic (Correction)
autószállító car-carrier (Correction)
car-transporter (Correction)
autóskesztyű gauntlet (Correction)
autósszemüveg preserves (Correction)
autóstoppot kér to thumb a lift (Correction)
to thumb a ride (Correction)
autóstoppal utazik to hitch a ride (Correction)
to hitchhike (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

7 different matching expressions found:

autós- drive-in (Correction)
autósmozi drive-in movie (Correction)
autósampon car shampoo (Correction)
autószervíz car service (Correction)
autósiskola school of motoring (Correction)
autós csárda road-house (Correction)
autós, motoros motorists (Correction)

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