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13 different matching expressions found:

bevesz to take in (Correction)
to take into (Correction)
bevesz vmit to fall for sg (Correction)
to swallow (Correction)
beveszi magát to work in (Correction)
bevesz (várat) to capture (Correction)
rohammal bevesz to rush (Correction)
to storm (Correction)
beveszi a várost to carry a town (Correction)
bevesz vmit vmibe to add sg in (Correction)
beveszi az erődöt to take the fortress (Correction)
beveszi a keserű pirulát to swallow the bitter pill (Correction)
válogatott csapatba bevesz to cap (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

8 different matching expressions found:

bérbevesz take on lease (Correction)
bevesz, beszed take (Correction)
rohammal bevesz take by assault (Correction)
erősen igénybevesz make great demands on (Correction)
bevisz/bevesz/bevon take into (Correction)
elfog; elfoglal, bevesz capture (Correction)
igénybevesz (fedezetet) recourse to sg (Correction)
bevesz/bevisz/befogad magába take in (Correction)

Correction mode off