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64 different matching expressions found:

csikó colt (Correction)
foal (Correction)
csíkos brindled (Correction)
laced (Correction)
striate (Correction)
striated (Correction)
striped (Correction)
stripy (Correction)
csíkoz to streak (Correction)
to striate (Correction)
to stripe (Correction)
csikós wrangler (Correction)
csíkolt striate (Correction)
striated (Correction)
csikorgó creaking (Correction)
crunchy (Correction)
jarring (Correction)
rasping (Correction)
strident (Correction)
csikóhal seahorse (Correction)
csikorog to bur (Correction)
to burr (Correction)
to creak (Correction)
to crunch (Correction)
to grate (Correction)
to grit (Correction)
to jar (Correction)
to rasp (Correction)
to screech (Correction)
csikorgás creak (Correction)
crunch (Correction)
grind (Correction)
jarring (Correction)
rasp (Correction)
rasping (Correction)
screech (Correction)
csikorgós creaky (Correction)
csikorgat to crunch (Correction)
to grit (Correction)
csikordul to squeak (Correction)
csikorogva creakingly (Correction)
kancacsikó filly (Correction)
csikorgósan raspingly (Correction)
élénk csíkos candy-striped (Correction)
csikorgósság stridency (Correction)
csíkosra ver to weal (Correction)
csikó (sakkban) horse (Correction)
elhúzza a csíkot to bug out (Correction)
to nick off (Correction)
to push off (Correction)
to streak (Correction)
to streak off (Correction)
fogát csikorgatja to gnash one's teeth (Correction)
to grain one's teeth (Correction)
to grate one's teeth (Correction)
harántcsíkolt izom muscle of animal life (Correction)
striated muscle (Correction)
striped muscle (Correction)
csikósként működik to wrangle (Correction)
csíkos függönyanyag purdah (Correction)
csikorgatja a fogát to grit the teeth (Correction)
csikófrizurára vágat to bang (Correction)
átlábolt a csikorgó havon he crunched his way through the snow (Correction)
vékony csíkos pamutszövet seersucker (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

16 different matching expressions found:

csíkos ring-straked (Correction)
streaked (Correction)
streaky (Correction)
csikorog scrunch (Correction)
csikóhal sea-horse (Correction)
csikóbunda pony-skin (Correction)
elhúzza csíkot streak off (Correction)
csikorog, ropog crunch (Correction)
csikor(o)g(t)at gnash (Correction)
fogat csikorgat grit the teeth (Correction)
fogát csikorgatja grate one's teeth (Correction)
grind one's teeth (Correction)
gépkocsikölcsönzés car rental (Correction)
lovat betörő csikós bronco-buster (Correction)
már elhullatta a csikófogát be long in the tooth (Correction)
lovászkodik, csikósként működik to wrangle (Correction)

Correction mode off