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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

18 different matching expressions found:

elérés attainment (Correction)
felerész moiety (Correction)
elereszt to fly, flew, flown (Correction)
to let go (Correction)
to let off (Correction)
to let slip (Correction)
to relax one's hold (Correction)
to release (Correction)
to uncouple (Correction)
felereszt to send up (Correction)
eleresztés release (Correction)
elereszt vmit to leave hold of sg (Correction)
to let go one's hold of sg (Correction)
to let lose one's hold of sg (Correction)
to lose hold of sg (Correction)
kísérlet vmi elérésére bid (Correction)
erőfeszítés vmi elérésére bid (Correction)
sárkány módjára felereszt to kite (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

12 different matching expressions found:

elérés access (Correction)
elereszt leave go (Correction)
let go (Correction)
unhand (Correction)
elérési út access path (Correction)
lemez-elérés disk-access (Correction)
az elérés tilos access denied (Correction)
elérési út neve pathname (Correction)
lemezfile elérés disk file access (Correction)
elérési út nevek pathnames (Correction)
közvetlen elérésű tár random access memory (Correction)
adatkezelési módszer közvetlen elérésű tárolón virtual storage access method (Correction)

Correction mode off