[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

Ugrás a tartalomhoz

85 different matching expressions found:

ellen against (Correction)
versus (Correction)
ellen- anti- (Correction)
counter- (Correction)
elleni- anti- (Correction)
ellenőr conductor (Correction)
controller (Correction)
gateman (Correction)
super (Correction)
superintendent (Correction)
supervisor (Correction)
surveyor (Correction)
ticket collector (Correction)
ellen oppositional (Correction)
screen (Correction)
splasher (Correction)
kellene ought (Correction)
ellenez to discourage (Correction)
to mind (Correction)
to object (Correction)
to object to sg (Correction)
to raise objection (Correction)
to traverse (Correction)
mellény vest (Correction)
waistcoat (Correction)
ellenfél adversary (Correction)
adverse party (Correction)
antagonist (Correction)
enemy (Correction)
foe (Correction)
opponent (Correction)
ellenség adversary (Correction)
enemy (Correction)
foe (Correction)
ellentét antagonism (Correction)
antithesis, antitheses (Correction)
conflict (Correction)
contrary (Correction)
contrast (Correction)
foil (Correction)
offset (Correction)
opposition (Correction)
reverse (Correction)
set-off (Correction)
unpleasantness (Correction)
variance (Correction)
ellenvád counter charge (Correction)
ellenzés discouragement (Correction)
objection (Correction)
opposition (Correction)
ellenére notwithstanding (Correction)
with (Correction)
ellenzék opposition (Correction)
szellent to break wind (Correction)
to cut the cheese (Correction)
to cut the mustard (Correction)
ellenáll to buck against (Correction)
to counter (Correction)
to dispute (Correction)
to offer resistance (Correction)
to oppose (Correction)
to resist (Correction)
to stand out (Correction)
to stand up against (Correction)
to stand up to (Correction)
to withstand, withstood (Correction)
cselleng to dawdle (Correction)
to hang about (Correction)
to hang around (Correction)
to laze (Correction)
to loaf (Correction)
to loaf about (Correction)
to lop about (Correction)
to slope about (Correction)
to stick around (Correction)
to trapes (Correction)
ellenszer antidote (Correction)
ellenkező conflicting (Correction)
contrary (Correction)
insubordinate (Correction)
ellensúly counter-balance (Correction)
counterweight (Correction)
ellenáram countercurrent (Correction)
ellenpont counterpoint (Correction)
ellenszél dead wind (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

15 different matching expressions found:

ellen 'gainst (Correction)
contra (Correction)
opp. (Correction)
vs. (Correction)
ellenőr checker (Correction)
tally-clerk (Correction)
ticket inspector (Correction)
kellene should (Correction)
ár ellen against the stream (Correction)
cselleng dawdle (Correction)
stick around (Correction)
traipse (Correction)
trapes (Correction)
ellenfél foeman (Correction)
ellentét opposite (Correction)

Correction mode off