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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

19 different matching expressions found:

elvár to expect (Correction)
to require (Correction)
elvárás expectation (Correction)
expectations (Correction)
belváros city center (Correction)
city centre (Correction)
downtown (Correction)
belvárosi downtown (Correction)
elvarázsol to charm (Correction)
to enchant (Correction)
to hocus-pocus (Correction)
belvárosban downtown (Correction)
elvarázsolt pixied (Correction)
way-out (Correction)
wayout (Correction)
elvárosiasodott citified (Correction)
elvár vmit vkitől to expect sg from sy (Correction)
felvarratja a ráncait have one's face lifted (Correction)
elvárosiasodott peremtelepülés conurbation (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

18 different matching expressions found:

elvárt desirable (Correction)
expected (Correction)
felvarr sew up (Correction)
a belvárosba downtown (Correction)
város; belváros city (Correction)
a belváros térképe city map (Correction)
egység elvárt fejrész device request layouts (Correction)
elvarázsolt, elbüvölt enchanted (Correction)
elvárja a tiszteletet stand on one's dignity (Correction)
megfelel az elvárásnak measure up to (Correction)
egység elvárt szerkezet device request header (Correction)
elvarratlan szál (átv.) loose ends (Correction)
megfelel az elvárásoknak meet the requirements (Correction)
requirements / meet the - (Correction)
elvárom, hogy pontos legyen i expect you to be punctual (Correction)
elbüvöl, elbájol, elvarázsol charm 2. (Correction)
(meg)kiván, elvár, (meg)követel require 1. (Correction)
felvarratja ráncait have one's face lifted (Correction)

Correction mode off