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Ugrás a tartalomhoz

74 different matching expressions found:

felelő responsive (Correction)
felelős accountable (Correction)
amenable (Correction)
liable (Correction)
responsible (Correction)
megfelelő adequate (Correction)
analogous (Correction)
apposite (Correction)
appropriate (Correction)
apt (Correction)
convenient (Correction)
correct (Correction)
corresponding (Correction)
decent (Correction)
due (Correction)
eligible (Correction)
equivalent (Correction)
fit (Correction)
fitting (Correction)
good (Correction)
likely (Correction)
parallel (Correction)
proper (Correction)
proportional (Correction)
proportionate (Correction)
respective (Correction)
right (Correction)
sufficient (Correction)
suitable (Correction)
felelősség accountability (Correction)
blame (Correction)
liability (Correction)
responsibility (Correction)
trust (Correction)
felelőtlen irresponsible (Correction)
wanton (Correction)
megfelelően accordingly (Correction)
aptly (Correction)
duly (Correction)
fitly (Correction)
fittingly (Correction)
right (Correction)
suitably (Correction)
nem megfelelő below the line (Correction)
inadequate (Correction)
inconvenient (Correction)
inefficient (Correction)
undue (Correction)
ami megfelelő cheese (Correction)
felelőtlenség irresponsibility (Correction)
wantonness (Correction)
felelős vmiért accountable for sg (Correction)
liable for (Correction)
liable for sg (Correction)
to be in charge of sg (Correction)
felelős helyen in responsible quarters (Correction)
vmiért felelős to be at the bottom of sg (Correction)
vminek megfelelő germane (Correction)
felelősségre von to challenge (Correction)
to impeach (Correction)
ennek megfelelően accordingly (Correction)
a felelős személy the party at fault (Correction)
felelősség nélkül without recourse (Correction)
vminek megfelelően according to (Correction)
according to sg (Correction)
in accordance with (Correction)
in conformity with sg (Correction)
felelősségre vonás impeachment (Correction)
a megfelelő helyen in the right place (Correction)
vminek megfelelője tally (Correction)
saját felelősségére at one's own risk (Correction)
nem megfelelő módon inadequately (Correction)
felelősséget letesz to acquit (Correction)
felelőssé nem tehető irresponsible (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

26 different matching expressions found:

felelős responsible for (Correction)
felelőtlen light-minded (Correction)
felelősség onus (Correction)
megfelelően adequately (Correction)
adequatly (Correction)
appropriately (Correction)
properly (Correction)
megfelelőség conformance (Correction)
nem megfelelő ineligible (Correction)
mismatch (Correction)
felelőssé tesz hold for responsible (Correction)
felelősség (EU) liability (EU) (Correction)
felelősségre von call to account (Correction)
nagyon megfelelő copacetic (Correction)
övé a felelősség hold the baby (Correction)
megfelelő helyen in position (Correction)
rendes, megfelelö proper (Correction)
megfelelö; illendö appropriate (Correction)
felelősségre vonja call to account (Correction)
felelősség (PHARE) liability (PHARE) (Correction)
illően, megfelelően meetly (Correction)
saját felelősségére on one's own responsibility (Correction)
programfelelős (EU) programme officer (EU) (Correction)
projektfelelős (EU) project officer (EU) (Correction)
felelös; megbizható responsible (Correction)
elegendö, megfelelö sufficient (Correction)

Correction mode off