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50 different matching expressions found:

fura queer (Correction)
rum (Correction)
whimsical (Correction)
furat bore (Correction)
borehole (Correction)
caliber (Correction)
calibre (Correction)
fúrás boring (Correction)
drill (Correction)
drilling (Correction)
vakfurat dead hole (Correction)
fura alak queer cove (Correction)
queer fish (Correction)
mélyfúrás sink (Correction)
furakodik to crush (Correction)
to hustle (Correction)
to shoulder (Correction)
to shove (Correction)
talajfúrás boring (Correction)
próbafúrás exploratory drilling (Correction)
test hole (Correction)
hengerfurat piston area (Correction)
kutatófúrás prospect hole (Correction)
befurakodik to edge in (Correction)
to horn in (Correction)
to intrude (Correction)
to work himself into sg (Correction)
befurakszik to horn in (Correction)
to insinuate (Correction)
to squeeze down (Correction)
átfurakodik to needle (Correction)
fura szerzet queer cove (Correction)
queer fish (Correction)
fúrást végez to bore (Correction)
keresztfurat wing (Correction)
furadék-kanál bailer (Correction)
furatos betét diaphragm (Correction)
feltáró furat test hole (Correction)
átfurakodik vmin to crush one's way through sg (Correction)
to worm through (Correction)
átfurakszik vmin to thread one's way through sg (Correction)
befurakszik vhova to muscle in on sg (Correction)
befurakodik vhova to muscle in on sg (Correction)
to wind oneself into (Correction)
to worm ones way into swhere (Correction)
to worm oneself into swhere (Correction)
keresztülfurakodik to needle (Correction)
kifurakodik vhonnan to edge one's way out of sg (Correction)
befurakodik vki kegyeibe to crawl into sy's favour (Correction)
olajkútfúrás tengerparti vízen offshore oil drill (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

11 different matching expressions found:

furat mortice (Correction)
mortise (Correction)
kis furat grommet (Correction)
próbafúrás trial boring (Correction)
befurakodik horn in on (Correction)
fura szokás quirk (Correction)
rágalmazás/fúrás backbite (Correction)
furatgalvanizált metallized (Correction)
átfurakodik a tömegen elbow one's way through a crowd (Correction)
besompolyog/befurakodik edgee in (Correction)
bejut/behatol/befurakodik effect an entrance (Correction)

Correction mode off