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63 different matching expressions found:

gin gin (Correction)
megint again (Correction)
to admonish (Correction)
vagina futz (Correction)
slit (Correction)
vagina, vaginae (Correction)
meginog to teeter (Correction)
to waver (Correction)
megintés admonition (Correction)
warning (Correction)
ginszeng ginseng (Correction)
megingás lurch (Correction)
virginál pair of virginals (Correction)
virginals (Correction)
megindít to actuate (Correction)
to bring into play (Correction)
to institute (Correction)
to start (Correction)
to touch (Correction)
to unclog (Correction)
megindul to get going (Correction)
to get underway (Correction)
to start up (Correction)
megingat to stagger (Correction)
megindító lord mayor (Correction)
mating season (Correction)
movie (Correction)
moving (Correction)
pitiful (Correction)
primacy (Correction)
touching (Correction)
leginkább principally (Correction)
megindult touched (Correction)
megindítás actuation (Correction)
institution (Correction)
megindulás offset (Correction)
meginvitál to lathe (Correction)
megindokol to motivate (Correction)
to reason (Correction)
megint vkit to haul sy over the coals (Correction)
megindultság emotion (Correction)
fogínytályog gumboil (Correction)
klíringintézet clearinghouse (Correction)
meginterjúvolt interviewee (Correction)
imaginárius szám imaginary number (Correction)
megindíthatatlan immovable (Correction)
megingathatatlan immovable (Correction)
unflinching (Correction)
unshakeable (Correction)
unwavering (Correction)
már megint a régi he is quite his old self again (Correction)
amerikai üreginyúl cottontail (Correction)
megindítja a motort to make the engine start (Correction)
imaginárius mennyiség imaginary quantity (Correction)
meginterjúvolt személy interviewee (Correction)
leginkább közepén levő middlemost (Correction)
midmost (Correction)
könnyekig megindít vkit to move sy to tears (Correction)
leginkább hasonló vmihez nearest approach to sg (Correction)
amitől leginkább iszonyodom my pet aversion (Correction)
jegelt gines limonádés ital sling (Correction)
még a köveket is megindítja stones will cry out (Correction)
megindultságtól remegő hang voice touched with emotion (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

36 different matching expressions found:

vagina cunt (Correction)
vagina (Correction)
ginzeng ginseng (Correction)
wigging (Correction)
megindít bring into play (Correction)
megindul get going (Correction)
megindító affecting (Correction)
üreginyúl cottontail (Correction)
leginkább most of all (Correction)
mostly (Correction)
megindokol motivate (Correction)
hidegindítás cold-boot (Correction)
start from cold (Correction)
wide-ranging (Correction)
wringing wet (Correction)
megint a régi he is quite his old self again (Correction)
virginiai fürj Bobwhite quail (Correction)
fogínysorvadás pyorrhea (Correction)
pyorrhoea (Correction)
remeg, meginog tremble (Correction)
fogínygyulladás gingivitis (Correction)
virginia(dohány) virginia (Correction)
szükségintézkedés emergency decree (Correction)
már megint kezdi! she is at it again! (Correction)
leginkább, többnyire mostly (Correction)
vaginális szellentés queef (Correction)
gin + limonádé + jég slung (Correction)
we must be jogging on (Correction)
meghatóan, megindítóan movingly (Correction)
ginoikus (növény) (növ) gynoecious (plant) (növ) (Correction)
we must be jogging along (Correction)
we may as well begin at once (Correction)
'much' felsöfok: legtöbb; leginkább most (Correction)
ügyetlen figura (leginkább bokszolóra) stumblebum (Correction)
meginnék egy csésze kávét/most jól jönne egy csésze kávé i could do with a cup of coffee (Correction)
külföldi (leginkább angol vagy amerikai) Spanyolországban vagy Latin-Amerikában gringo (Correction)

Correction mode off