[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

Ugrás a tartalomhoz

72 different matching expressions found:

hét seven (Correction)
week (Correction)
-het may (Correction)
heti weekly (Correction)
ehető comestible (Correction)
eatable (Correction)
edible (Correction)
good to eat (Correction)
lehet may (Correction)
hét monday (Correction)
hetes seven (Correction)
heted seventh (Correction)
hihető believable (Correction)
credible (Correction)
hetyke brash (Correction)
jaunty (Correction)
pert (Correction)
éghető combustible (Correction)
hetven seventy (Correction)
érthető articulate (Correction)
broad (Correction)
clear (Correction)
comprehensible (Correction)
emphatic (Correction)
intelligible (Correction)
lucid (Correction)
luminous (Correction)
plain (Correction)
understandable (Correction)
tűrhető bearable (Correction)
decent (Correction)
passable (Correction)
hetykén brashly (Correction)
jauntily (Correction)
mérhető commensurable (Correction)
védhető defensible (Correction)
két hét fortnight (Correction)
nagyhét passion week (Correction)
ejthető pronouncable (Correction)
hetedik seventh (Correction)
hétalvó sleepy-head (Correction)
tehetős well-to-do (Correction)
tehetség ability (Correction)
attainments (Correction)
capacity (Correction)
endowment (Correction)
facility (Correction)
faculty (Correction)
genious (Correction)
gift (Correction)
talent (Correction)
vein (Correction)
vocation (Correction)
elérhető accessible (Correction)
attainable (Correction)
available (Correction)
come-at-table (Correction)
obtainable (Correction)
jóllehet albeit (Correction)
érezhető appreciable (Correction)
perceptible (Correction)
sensible (Correction)
levehető detachable (Correction)
separable (Correction)
ehetőség edibility (Correction)
menthető excusable (Correction)
pardonable (Correction)
kivehető loose (Correction)
idézhető quotable (Correction)
átvehető receivable (Correction)
hetvenes septuagenarian (Correction)
tizenhét seventeen (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

28 different matching expressions found:

ehető fit to eat (Correction)
lehet might (Correction)
hetes septet (Correction)
septette (Correction)
Yheti (Correction)
hétkor at seven (Correction)
hétfői of monday (Correction)
hétfőn on monday (Correction)
hétfőre by monday (Correction)
kétheti fortnightly (Correction)
fél hét half after six (Correction)
half past six (Correction)
mérhető measurable (Correction)
mensurable (Correction)
hetykén pertly (Correction)
hétalvó slug-a-bed (Correction)
hétfőig till monday (Correction)
tűrhető tolerable (Correction)
whether (Correction)
jóllehet (al)though (Correction)
hétvégén at the weekend (Correction)
kivihető can be exported (Correction)
egy hete for a week (Correction)
ha lehet if possible (Correction)
possible / if - (Correction)
vehetek? may i have? (Correction)
elvihető take-away (Correction)
átvihető transmissible (Correction)

Correction mode off