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73 different matching expressions found:

inger inducement (Correction)
stimulus, stimuli (Correction)
inger incentive (Correction)
ingerel to irritate (Correction)
to provoke (Correction)
to rasp sy's feelings (Correction)
to tease (Correction)
to vex (Correction)
ingerlés chaff (Correction)
incentive (Correction)
irritation (Correction)
provocation (Correction)
ingerült cross (Correction)
edgy (Correction)
indignant (Correction)
ratty (Correction)
rubbed (Correction)
shirty (Correction)
csalinger chowslinger (Correction)
hányinger feeling of sickness (Correction)
nausea (Correction)
retch (Correction)
retching (Correction)
ingerülten crossly (Correction)
edgily (Correction)
hotly (Correction)
irritably (Correction)
peevishly (Correction)
felingerli it makes him see red (Correction)
felingerel to chafe (Correction)
to irritate (Correction)
to screw up (Correction)
ingerültség chafing (Correction)
fret (Correction)
irritation (Correction)
petulance (Correction)
ingerlékeny fretful (Correction)
grumpy (Correction)
ill-humored (Correction)
ill-humoured (Correction)
inflammable (Correction)
irritable (Correction)
peevish (Correction)
peppery (Correction)
pettish (Correction)
petulant (Correction)
prickly (Correction)
testy (Correction)
touchy (Correction)
waspish (Correction)
ingerlékenyen fretfully (Correction)
grumpily (Correction)
petulantly (Correction)
testily (Correction)
ingerlékenység irritability (Correction)
irritableness (Correction)
quick temper (Correction)
testiness (Correction)
hányingere van to feel sick (Correction)
to keck (Correction)
to nauseate (Correction)
to retch (Correction)
to turn sick (Correction)
felingerel vkit to get a rise out of sy (Correction)
to make sy indignant (Correction)
to take a rise out of sy (Correction)
idegek ingerlése jarring of the nerves (Correction)
gerincingerlő szer spinant (Correction)
kellemesen ingerel to titillate (Correction)
sűrű vizelési inger micturation (Correction)
ingerlékeny személy wasp (Correction)
terhességi hányinger morning sickness (Correction)
ingerülten megjegyez to snap (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

19 different matching expressions found:

inger stimulus (Correction)
ingerek stimuli (Correction)
wringer (Correction)
ingerlés excitation (Correction)
ingerlékeny cross as two sticks (Correction)
excitable (Correction)
tetchy (Correction)
ingerültség fuming (Correction)
felingerelt incensed (Correction)
ingerlékenység excitability (Correction)
hányingere van feel sick (Correction)
sick / feel - (Correction)
turn sick (Correction)
ingerült/ideges be on edge (Correction)
beteg; hányinger sick (Correction)
ingerülten, idegesen nervously (Correction)
pontonként egy shillingért at a shilling a pound (Correction)
rosszul van, hányingere van sick / be - (Correction)
női nemi szerv nyelvvel történő ingerlése, izgatása cunnilingus (Correction)

Correction mode off