[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

Ugrás a tartalomhoz

84 different matching expressions found:

int to beckon (Correction)
to exhort (Correction)
to gesture (Correction)
to motion (Correction)
to wave (Correction)
to wave one's hand (Correction)
intő admonitory (Correction)
exhortative (Correction)
exhortatory (Correction)
expostulatory (Correction)
mint like (Correction)
pint pint (Correction)
hint to scatter (Correction)
to sprinkle (Correction)
to strew (Correction)
to strew, strewed, strewn (Correction)
intés admonition (Correction)
caution (Correction)
cue (Correction)
exhortation (Correction)
szint bench (Correction)
floor (Correction)
horizon (Correction)
level (Correction)
mark (Correction)
rate (Correction)
storey (Correction)
minta cast (Correction)
design (Correction)
formula (Correction)
model (Correction)
motif (Correction)
muster (Correction)
paragon (Correction)
pattern (Correction)
prill (Correction)
sample (Correction)
standard (Correction)
hintó chaise (Correction)
intim familiar (Correction)
near (Correction)
amint immediately (Correction)
tinta ink (Correction)
hinta swing (Correction)
intéz to administer (Correction)
to manage (Correction)
érint to affect (Correction)
to concern (Correction)
to feel, felt (Correction)
to hit (Correction)
to hit, hit (Correction)
to shave (Correction)
to skim (Correction)
to touch (Correction)
to touch on (Correction)
to touch upon (Correction)
megint again (Correction)
to admonish (Correction)
szinte as good as (Correction)
forint florin (Correction)
fintor grimace (Correction)
mop (Correction)
jácint hyacinth (Correction)
tintás inky (Correction)
mintás patterned (Correction)
flinta popper (Correction)
érintő tangent (Correction)
bólint to beckon (Correction)
to bow (Correction)
to nod (Correction)
tekint to consider (Correction)
to look (Correction)
to reckon (Correction)
to regard (Correction)
behint to dredge (Correction)
to dust (Correction)
tapint to feel, felt (Correction)
to finger (Correction)
to sense (Correction)
mintáz to figure (Correction)
to model (Correction)
to mould (Correction)
to shape (Correction)
elhint to scatter (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

16 different matching expressions found:

mint as (Correction)
qua (Correction)
than (Correction)
kint outdoor (Correction)
intéz arrange (Correction)
manage (Correction)
hintó cart (Correction)
spring-carriage (Correction)
pinty chaffinch (Correction)
finch (Correction)
érint osculate (Correction)
touch on (Correction)
touch upon (Correction)
kinti outdoors (Correction)
minta paradigm (Correction)
schema (Correction)

Correction mode off