[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

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10 different matching expressions found:

kerekít to make round (Correction)
kikerekít to make round (Correction)
to make up (Correction)
to round (Correction)
to round out (Correction)
lekerekít to round (Correction)
to round off (Correction)
felkerekít to round up (Correction)
lekerekített rounded (Correction)
lekerekített perem offset (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

6 different matching expressions found:

kerekít make round (Correction)
lekerekít round off (Correction)
kikerekít round out (Correction)
felkerekít round up (Correction)
lekerekítés fillet (Correction)
kerekítési hiba rounding error (Correction)

Correction mode off