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88 different matching expressions found:

kimer to bale out (Correction)
to scoop out (Correction)
to scoop up (Correction)
kimér to measure (Correction)
to measure out (Correction)
to mete (Correction)
to mete out (Correction)
to meter (Correction)
to weigh out (Correction)
kiméra chimaera (Correction)
kimért frigid (Correction)
measured (Correction)
prim (Correction)
reserved (Correction)
severe (Correction)
stand-offish (Correction)
stiff (Correction)
stringent (Correction)
undemonstrative (Correction)
kimerül to be at an end (Correction)
to be run down (Correction)
to crap out (Correction)
to drain (Correction)
to give out (Correction)
kimerít to deplete (Correction)
to distress (Correction)
to eat up (Correction)
to haze (Correction)
to impoverish (Correction)
to jade (Correction)
to prostrate (Correction)
to rack (Correction)
to run down (Correction)
to tucker (Correction)
to tucker out (Correction)
to use (Correction)
to use up (Correction)
to wear, wore, worn (Correction)
to weary (Correction)
to work out (Correction)
to zonk (Correction)
kimerült all-in (Correction)
beaten (Correction)
deadbeat (Correction)
distressed (Correction)
effete (Correction)
exhausted (Correction)
heavy (Correction)
impoverished (Correction)
overwrought (Correction)
played out (Correction)
prostrate (Correction)
run-down (Correction)
tired (Correction)
to be maxed out (Correction)
to be zonked out (Correction)
to feel run down (Correction)
washed-out (Correction)
weary (Correction)
worn out (Correction)
worn-out (Correction)
kimerítő detailed (Correction)
exhaustive (Correction)
full-blood (Correction)
strenuous (Correction)
weary (Correction)
kimérten frigidly (Correction)
kimerülés dead-beatness (Correction)
depletion (Correction)
distress (Correction)
kimerítés depletion (Correction)
exhaustion (Correction)
kimerítően fully (Correction)
kimért tej loose milk (Correction)
kimerültség brain-fag (Correction)
dead-beatness (Correction)
debility (Correction)
distress (Correction)
fatigue (Correction)
prostration (Correction)
weariness (Correction)
kimért lépés deliberate tread (Correction)
végkimerülés distress (Correction)
idegkimerítő nervy (Correction)
kimerít vkit to make sy tired (Correction)
kimerül (elem) to go flat (Correction)
lassan kimerül to peter out (Correction)
lépéssel kimér to step (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

12 different matching expressions found:

kimer ladle out (Correction)
kimér measure out (Correction)
kimért offish (Correction)
kimerül be fagged out (Correction)
kimerít to exhaust (Correction)
kimerült be run down (Correction)
done (Correction)
knackered (Correction)
shagged (Correction)
to be run down (Correction)
kimerültség exhaustion (Correction)
kimerítetlen unexhausted (Correction)

Correction mode off