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15 different matching expressions found:

klíma climate (Correction)
sky (Correction)
klimax change of life (Correction)
climax (Correction)
menopause (Correction)
klimaxos menopausal (Correction)
antiklimax bathos (Correction)
klimaktérium menopause (Correction)
akklimatizál to acclimatize (Correction)
to season (Correction)
akklimatizálás acclimatization (Correction)
klimaktériumos menopausal (Correction)
akklimatizálódás acclimatization (Correction)
akklimatizálódik to get acclimatized (Correction)
to season (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

4 different matching expressions found:

klíma clime (Correction)
klimax kora climacteric (Correction)
klímaszabályozás (növ) climate control (növ) (Correction)
éghajlati igény, klímaigény (növ) climatic requirements (növ) (Correction)

Correction mode off