[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

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71 different matching expressions found:

lant lyre (Correction)
lantos bard (Correction)
minstrel (Correction)
alantas low (Correction)
menial (Correction)
plebeian (Correction)
underling (Correction)
palánta set (Correction)
villant to flash (Correction)
pillant to glance (Correction)
to peer (Correction)
pislant to wink (Correction)
to wink one's eye (Correction)
halánték temple (Correction)
temporal (Correction)
villantó troll (Correction)
pillantás blink (Correction)
eye (Correction)
look (Correction)
twinkle (Correction)
kallant fastener (Correction)
finger (Correction)
lantmadár lyre-bird (Correction)
filantróp philanthropic (Correction)
rápillant to glance at (Correction)
pislantás wink (Correction)
alantasabb less (Correction)
megpillant to behold, beheld (Correction)
to clap one's eyes on (Correction)
to glimpse (Correction)
to set one's eyes on (Correction)
to sight (Correction)
to spy (Correction)
felvillant to flash (Correction)
bepillantás insight (Correction)
filantrópus philanthropist (Correction)
filantrópia philanthropy (Correction)
vándorlantos jockey (Correction)
halántékfürt meat-hook (Correction)
kanálvillantó spoon (Correction)
halántékcsont temporal (Correction)
visszapillant to retrospect (Correction)
villantókanál troll (Correction)
szempillantás wink (Correction)
futó pillantás glimpse (Correction)
squint (Correction)
zord pillantás grim look (Correction)
fiatal palánta nurseling (Correction)
nursling (Correction)
visszapillantó retrospective (Correction)
pillantást vet to glance (Correction)
lanton játszik to touch the strings (Correction)
dühös pillantás angry look (Correction)
visszapillantás flashback (Correction)
retrospect (Correction)
retrospection (Correction)
review (Correction)
ferde pillantás oblique glance (Correction)
sanda pillantás oblique glance (Correction)
első pillantásra at first glance (Correction)
at first sight (Correction)
at the first blush (Correction)
at the first go-off (Correction)
first off (Correction)
on the face of it (Correction)
átható pillantás glare (Correction)
futó (pillantás) hasty (Correction)
kemény pillantás steely glance (Correction)
adja a tudatlant to play the giddy ox (Correction)
kanalas villantó wobbler (Correction)
laposakat pislant have lids as heavy as lead (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

29 different matching expressions found:

lant lute (Correction)
lantos lutanist (Correction)
lutist (Correction)
atlanti Atlantic (Correction)
alantas low-minded (Correction)
understrapper (Correction)
palántáz dibble (Correction)
rápillant cast a glance at (Correction)
glance at (Correction)
pillantás glance (Correction)
glimpse (Correction)
twinkling (Correction)
bepillant peep (Correction)
megpillant behold (Correction)
glimpse (Correction)
palántázás dibbling (Correction)
atlanti óceán Atlantic (Correction)
Atlanti-óceán Atlantic (ocean) (Correction)
palánta (növ) transplant (növ) (Correction)
visszapillantó bounce (Correction)
monopolantenna monopole (Correction)
sóvár pillantás eager look (Correction)
irígy pillantás green eye (Correction)
lopva rápillant steal a glance at (Correction)
palántázás (növ) planting plants (növ) (Correction)
planting transplants (növ) (Correction)
gyilkos pillantás look daggers (Correction)
pillantást vet rá shoot a glance at (Correction)
young plant (növ) (Correction)

Correction mode off