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84 different matching expressions found:

pint pint (Correction)
tapint to feel, felt (Correction)
to finger (Correction)
to sense (Correction)
to touch (Correction)
tapintó antenna (Correction)
hörpint to nip (Correction)
to sip (Correction)
to tiff (Correction)
koppint to tap (Correction)
tapintat delicacy (Correction)
lightness (Correction)
tact (Correction)
tapintás feel (Correction)
feeling (Correction)
sense of feeling (Correction)
touch (Correction)
1/4 pint gill (Correction)
tapintó- tactile (Correction)
kitapint to palpate (Correction)
koppintás rap (Correction)
hörpintés sip (Correction)
tapintási tactile (Correction)
megtapint to feel, felt (Correction)
to finger (Correction)
to touch (Correction)
rákoppint to rap (Correction)
tapintatos considerate (Correction)
delicate (Correction)
diplomatic (Correction)
discreet (Correction)
light (Correction)
tactful (Correction)
tender (Correction)
kulipint hovel (Correction)
tapintható palpable (Correction)
tactile (Correction)
tangible (Correction)
felhörpint to mop up (Correction)
tapintatlan brash (Correction)
inconsiderate (Correction)
indiscreet (Correction)
thoughtless (Correction)
undiplomatic (Correction)
megtapintás touch (Correction)
tapintóérzék feeling (Correction)
sense of feeling (Correction)
touch (Correction)
kitapintható palpable (Correction)
tapintatosan tactfully (Correction)
tapintó szerv antenna (Correction)
tapintatlanul brashly (Correction)
tapinthatóság palpability (Correction)
tangibility (Correction)
megtapintható tangible (Correction)
fejbe koppint to bop (Correction)
orrba koppint to bop (Correction)
tapintatlanság brashness (Correction)
gaucherie (Correction)
indiscretion (Correction)
thoughtlessness (Correction)
nem tapintható intangible (Correction)
kitapinthatóság palpability (Correction)
érdes tapintású rough to the feel (Correction)
megtapinthatóság tangibility (Correction)
kemény tapintású to feel hard (Correction)
végigtapint vmit to finger sg over (Correction)
selymes tapintású flossy (Correction)
rátapint a lényegre to touch the spot (Correction)
az elevenjére tapint to hit home (Correction)
to strike home (Correction)
gyenge pontra tapint to put one's finger on a weak spot (Correction)
körmére koppint vkinek to make sy sit up (Correction)
érzékeny pontra tapint to put one's finger on a weak spot (Correction)
hírt tapintatosan közöl to break the news gently (Correction)
elevenére tapint vkinek to cut sy to the quick (Correction)
kitapintja vki pulzusát to feel sy's pulse (Correction)
kitapintja vki érverését to feel sy's pulse (Correction)
elevenjére tapint vkinek to sting sy to the quick (Correction)
rátapint a baj gyökerére to touch the spot (Correction)
gyorsan lehörpintett ital quickie (Correction)
tapintatlanságot követ el to commit a gaffe (Correction)
az elevenjére tapint vkinek to touch sy on the raw (Correction)
tapintatlan megjegyzést tesz to drop a brick (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

16 different matching expressions found:

pinty chaffinch (Correction)
finch (Correction)
pinty(őke) finch (Correction)
tapintatlan indelicate (Correction)
maladroit (Correction)
tactless (Correction)
kemény tapintású feel hard (Correction)
elevenjére tapint cut to the quick (Correction)
touch to the quick (Correction)
keresztcsőrű pinty crossbill (Correction)
rátapint a lényegre put the finger on (Correction)
touch the spot (Correction)
pint pint (Correction)
az eleven(j)ére tapint touch on the raw (Correction)
tapintatlan megjegyzést tesz drop a brick (Correction)
tapintásra hideg érzést kelt it is cold to the touch (Correction)

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