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78 different matching expressions found:

téli brumal (Correction)
winter (Correction)
wintry (Correction)
teli fraught (Correction)
full (Correction)
telik to elapse (Correction)
to fill (Correction)
to go by (Correction)
to go, went, gone (Correction)
to pass (Correction)
to roll on (Correction)
telít to impregnate (Correction)
to prime (Correction)
to saturate (Correction)
téli winter-time (Correction)
télies winterly (Correction)
wintery (Correction)
wintry (Correction)
telivér full-blood (Correction)
full-blooded (Correction)
thoroughbred (Correction)
telítés imbibition (Correction)
saturation (Correction)
eltelik to elapse (Correction)
to expire (Correction)
to pass (Correction)
to pass away (Correction)
to roll by (Correction)
kitelik to fill out (Correction)
letelik to run out (Correction)
telihold full moon (Correction)
örömteli gladsome (Correction)
gratifying (Correction)
joyful (Correction)
joyous (Correction)
telített impregnate (Correction)
saturated (Correction)
télizöld periwinkle (Correction)
megtelik to be being filled (Correction)
to become full (Correction)
to fill (Correction)
to fill up (Correction)
to reach capacity (Correction)
túltelít to glut (Correction)
to oversaturate (Correction)
télikert winter garden (Correction)
télikabát greatcoat (Correction)
filatélia philately (Correction)
felvételi prelim (Correction)
telítődik to impregnate (Correction)
téli árpa winter barley (Correction)
telis-teli as full as an egg (Correction)
életelixír elixir of life (Correction)
részvételi participative (Correction)
telivér ló thoroughbred (Correction)
téli körte warden (Correction)
feketelista blacklist (Correction)
telitalálat direct hit (Correction)
hit (Correction)
telítettség fullness (Correction)
fulness (Correction)
plenum (Correction)
saturation (Correction)
élettel teli animate (Correction)
vital (Correction)
békával teli froggy (Correction)
vételi zavar interference (Correction)
vatelinezett wadded (Correction)
téli sportok winter sports (Correction)
fellebbviteli appellate (Correction)
elővételi jog option (Correction)
pókokkal teli spidery (Correction)
nem tisztelik to be held in irreverence (Correction)
újra megtelik to recharge (Correction)
színültig teli as full as an egg (Correction)
varjakkal teli rooky (Correction)
rönkökkel teli stumpy (Correction)
tönkökkel teli stumpy (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

22 different matching expressions found:

telít overstock (Correction)
saturate (Correction)
telivér blood-horse (Correction)
eltelik elapse (Correction)
kitelik fill out (Correction)
téliruha arctic suit (Correction)
felvételi matric (Correction)
téli gumi snow-tire (Correction)
snow-tyre (Correction)
túltelítés supersaturation (Correction)
telítetlen unsaturated (Correction)
feketelista black-list (Correction)
telitalálat bullseye (Correction)
direct hit and miss (Correction)
telítettség repletion (Correction)
túltelített supercharged (Correction)
felvételizni apply for admisson (Correction)
vételi opció call option (Correction)
nem tisztelik be held in irreverence (Correction)
kiviteli terv final construction drawing (Correction)
elővételi jog pre-empt (Correction)
lejár, letelik expire (Correction)

Correction mode off