[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

Ugrás a tartalomhoz

86 different matching expressions found:

tan doctrine (Correction)
lore (Correction)
precept (Correction)
tenet (Correction)
után after (Correction)
past (Correction)
tánc bop (Correction)
tank tank (Correction)
tanú test (Correction)
witness (Correction)
utána after (Correction)
bután blockishly (Correction)
dumbly (Correction)
foolishly (Correction)
mindlessly (Correction)
stupidly (Correction)
sátán bogy (Correction)
prince of darkness (Correction)
satan (Correction)
tempter (Correction)
the evil one (Correction)
tanya den (Correction)
farm (Correction)
haunt (Correction)
homestead (Correction)
lie (Correction)
nest (Correction)
tanár don (Correction)
master (Correction)
teacher (Correction)
aztán in the sequel (Correction)
then (Correction)
stand pitch (Correction)
stand (Correction)
utáni post- (Correction)
tanév school year (Correction)
tan tango (Correction)
tánc- terpsichorean (Correction)
titán titanium (Correction)
tanul to book (Correction)
to learn (Correction)
to learn, learnt (Correction)
to profit (Correction)
to study (Correction)
tanít to edify (Correction)
to educate (Correction)
to instruct (Correction)
to profess (Correction)
to school (Correction)
to teach, taught (Correction)
tanács advice (Correction)
board (Correction)
council (Correction)
counsel (Correction)
cue (Correction)
azután after (Correction)
afterwards (Correction)
item (Correction)
miután after (Correction)
sétány ambulatory (Correction)
boardwalk (Correction)
horrde (Correction)
tanonc apprentice (Correction)
ártány barrow (Correction)
kaftán caftan (Correction)
utánzó counterfeiter (Correction)
imitative (Correction)
imitator (Correction)
impersonator (Correction)
mimic (Correction)
mocker (Correction)
kurtán curtly (Correction)
táncos dancer (Correction)
holtan dead (Correction)
tanult erudite (Correction)
learned (Correction)
tévtan false doctrine (Correction)
mértan geometry (Correction)
lustán idly (Correction)
ezután in the future (Correction)
tanító instructive (Correction)
instructor (Correction)
master (Correction)
sántán lamely (Correction)
tanuló learner (Correction)
mutáns mutant (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

14 different matching expressions found:

tan disciple (Correction)
tánc dance (Correction)
utána afterward (Correction)
tanya farm-stead (Correction)
toft (Correction)
tanul learn , learnt , learnt (Correction)
to read (Correction)
metán methane (Correction)
oktán octane (Correction)
hátán pickaback (Correction)
tanár schoolmaster (Correction)
tanít teach (Correction)
tanit teach , taught , taught (Correction)
ottan thar (Correction)

Correction mode off