[origo] SZTAKI SzótárTovább a megújult sztaki szótárra! >

Ugrás a tartalomhoz

87 different matching expressions found:

vár castle (Correction)
to await (Correction)
to expect (Correction)
to look for (Correction)
to wait (Correction)
var crust (Correction)
scab (Correction)
várt expected (Correction)
varr to needle (Correction)
to preen (Correction)
to sew, sewed, sewn (Correction)
zavar abashment (Correction)
bafflement (Correction)
bewilderment (Correction)
daze (Correction)
discomfiture (Correction)
disorder (Correction)
disorientation (Correction)
disturbance (Correction)
embarrassment (Correction)
fermentation (Correction)
perplexity (Correction)
perturbation (Correction)
puzzle (Correction)
puzzlement (Correction)
quandary (Correction)
self-consciousness (Correction)
snarl (Correction)
to cramp (Correction)
to disturb (Correction)
to fluster (Correction)
to get under one's skin (Correction)
to incommode (Correction)
to inconvenience (Correction)
to jam (Correction)
to put out (Correction)
to trouble (Correction)
trouble (Correction)
turmoil (Correction)
uneasiness (Correction)
sivár bald (Correction)
barren (Correction)
bleak (Correction)
comfortless (Correction)
desolate (Correction)
drear (Correction)
dreary (Correction)
dusty (Correction)
gaunt (Correction)
humdrum (Correction)
város borough (Correction)
city (Correction)
town (Correction)
rovar bug (Correction)
insect (Correction)
pest (Correction)
fuvar carriage (Correction)
var carrion-crow (Correction)
crow (Correction)
udvar court (Correction)
run (Correction)
yard (Correction)
búvár dipper (Correction)
diver (Correction)
plunger (Correction)
sóvár esurient (Correction)
lingering (Correction)
wishful (Correction)
kvark quark (Correction)
kvart quart (Correction)
kvarc quartz (Correction)
ótvar scab (Correction)
varas scabby (Correction)
elvár to expect (Correction)
to require (Correction)
kavar to stir (Correction)
varázs allurement (Correction)
appeal (Correction)
blandishments (Correction)
csavar bolt (Correction)
clam (Correction)
szivar chappie (Correction)
chappy (Correction)
cigar (Correction)
városi civic (Correction)
légvár cloud-cuckoo-land (Correction)
lekvár cream-puff (Correction)

Searching the extension dictionary:

13 different matching expressions found:

vár expect (Correction)
wait for (Correction)
avar dead fallen leaves (Correction)
varr sew (Correction)
zavar annoy (Correction)
discomposure (Correction)
disturb (Correction)
várni await (Correction)
to wait for (Correction)
závár bolt (Correction)
város burg (Correction)
várúr castellan (Correction)
udvar courtyard (Correction)

Correction mode off