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13 different matching expressions found:

ameddig as long as
so long as
ér vmeddig to extend as far as
to reach to sg
to stretch as far as
tart vmeddig to last
felér vmeddig to reach up to sg
meddig mentek? how far did you go?
felnyúl vmeddig to reach up to sg
ameddig a szem ellát as far as the eye can reach
ameddig csak a szem ellát as far as the eye can reach
addig nyújtózkodik, ameddig a takarója ér to make buckle and tongue meet

Searching the extension dictionary:

13 different matching expressions found:

meddig? how long?
till when
valameddig as far as
meddig tart how long will it last
addig ameddig as long as
tartani v.meddig to take
meddig állunk itt how long do we stop here
ameddig csak akarod as long as you like
long / as - as you like
meddig/milyen messze? how far?
addig nyújtózik ameddig a takarója ér make both ends meet
"tovább nyújtózkodik, mint ameddig a takarója ér" live beyond one's means

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