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24 different matching expressions found:

eldob to abject
to chuck
to chuck away
to discard
to throw away
to throw off
to throw, threw, thrown
feldob to fink on sy
to fling up
to flip
to throw up
to zing up
eldobál to scatter
kötéldob crab
feldobás flip
eldobható disposable
pénzt feldob to spin a coin
pénzfeldobás toss
eldobott darab cast-off
eldobható pelenka disposable nappy
pénzfeldobással sorsot húz to toss a coin
to toss for sg

Searching the extension dictionary:

12 different matching expressions found:

eldob throw away
throw away/out
feldob fling up
throw up
eldobható throw-away
feldobott upcast
pénzfeldobás spin a coin
(pénz)feldobás toss
pénzt feldobni toss a coin
feldobja a talpát turn up one's toes
(le)ejt; eldob; otthagy drop 1.
feldob (pénzérmét); megránt, pattint flip

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